Parking: There is a small parking area around Kalundborgvej no. 35-39 (GPS 55.5448871, 11.3504806)
Good To Know:
Nearby Attractions: The Blood Stone, The Cross At Conradineslyst
The Snare Hill Dolmen (Dyssen På Snarebanken) is one of Denmarks largest and most spectacular dolmens. The chamber is large enough for two adults to lie inside.
The most remarkable thing about the Snare Hill Dolmen, however, is its overlying rock. From the right angle, it looks eerily like the head of a huge beast with a gaping mouth. One can only imagine that at least some of our ancestors must have noticed this likeness as well, at least as long as the chamber has been standing freely.
Snare Hill is named after one of the horses of Esbern Snare, he of the legendary Hvide bloodline. According to the story, Snare was on his way home to his residence at Sæbygård when his horse tripped and broke a leg. He was subsequently forced to put the animal to sleep and buried its body in the hill.
With a bit of imagination, one can speculate that this is a legend that perhaps „covers‟ over a horse sacrifice, a practice once widespread in Denmark. The presence of the nearby Blood Stone, a (by some) purported sacrificial stone, in immediate eyesight of Snare Hill, and the fact that the whole area once housed a Bronze Age village, supports such a connection. It makes one wonder if there may also be a connection to the Dolmen.
Legend also tells that good old Finn the Troll used to live on the hill.
- Jørgen Mogensen – Langs Landevej 255 (Vol. 11)
- Mads Lidegaard – Danske Høje Fra Sagn og Tro
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