The Store Vildmose CE3

Case Type: CE3

When: Store Vildmose, North Jutland

Where: October, 1957 (not reported until 1960)

Investigator(s): N/A

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One late autumn evening in 1957, a farm owner and his wife were driving through the Store Vildmose area, when they observed a strange looking craft.

About the observation

One evening in October 1957, at about 23:00, a farm owner and his wife were driving in their car across Store Vildmose (“The Great Wild Bog”), a former ombrotrophic bog area – in fact once the largest of its kind in all of Europe – located in the north of Jutland. Suddenly, they saw an unusually bright glowing object that either flew or drove towards them from a nearby field, moving at a speed that they estimated to be 30-35 km/h. When the car passed by the object on the field at a distance of 50-75 metres, the two witnesses could now see that it was some type of vehicle with two people sitting inside a glass dome. The dome had a strange bluish-green glow.

The farm owner wanted to go closer and investigate the strange vehicle but his wife warned him against doing so. Heeding her advice, he drove away, but very slowly. They then followed the mysterious object from the rear window of their car, seeing it disappear to the north.



The only real source for this sighting is the February 1960 issue of UFO-Nyt, where it was reported three years after the fact. So it is unclear to which extent the two witnesses remember the sighting exactly as happened to them. For example they could not remember the exact date of the sighting. It is noteworthy that the witnesses were unclear whether the vehicle was flying or driving on the ground, and at no point did they describe the „pilots‟ as anything other than human, nor did they speculate that the vehicle was from another planet. Actually, the description of the vehicle seen near Store Vildmose sounds more like a hovercraft than anything else. Hovercraft were still in the testing stage during the 1950s and did not enter mass production until the 1960s. However, it is unclear whether any prototype hovercraft were being tested in Denmark at the time like they were in Finland, the UK and the US.


  • Willy Wegner – UFO-Landinger i Danmark
  • UFO-Nyt, February 1960


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