When: 1957, possibly August, between 2PM and 3PM (investigation beginning in 1973, published 1975)
Where: 2 kilometers south of Ejstrupholm, Central Jutland (Approximately at GPS 55.96559, 9.29253)
Investigator: X. P. Madsen
The Encounter
One day during the harvest season in 1957, between 2PM and 3PM, a 15 year old boy was collecting grain on a field 2 kilometers south of Ejstrupholm. The weather was grey and cloudy with no wind. The teenager suddenly felt that he was being watched. When he turned around, he saw a mysterious vehicle parked in the field 35 meters away, with two „crew members‟ standing nearby it, looking at him. The vehicle was a metallic grey in color, oval in shape with a cupola on top, about 2 meters tall and 2½ meters wide. It was supported by three landing legs, each 1 meter long and about 12 centimeters thick. The two figures looked human with brownish skin, except that they were no taller than 90 cm (3 feet) each. They wore skin-tight suits of a shiny, dark green color, with no visible buttons or zippers. The witness noticed that the suits worn by the crew also covered their hands. Both crew members wore transparent bubble-shaped helmets with antennae attached.
The witness, who was very shocked by what he saw, observed the spectacle for a few minutes. Then he became nervous, preparing to defend himself with rocks, should they come any closer. Next thing he knew, the UFO crew members turned their heads towards each other, and a blinding flash of light appeared. Both crew members were nowhere to be seen. At the same time the UFO took off at a vertical path and was gone within seconds. The witness felt that the observation lasted no more than five minutes, and he heard no sound whatsoever during the entire time. The witness felt completely dumbstruck and in disbelief about what he had just experienced. After the UFO had flown away, he noticed that the vegetation was flattened where the UFO’s landing legs had stood.
Afraid of being ridiculed, he never told about the observation to everyone else except for his immediate family. In 1959, a member of Scandinavian UFO Information first heard a rumor about the case, but didn’t manage to track down the witness. It would not be until 1972, during a UFO lecture in the town of Virum, that a woman in the audience confirmed the sighting and helped establish contact with the witness. The following year, a member of Scandinavian UFO Information (SUFOI) finally visited the witness to interview him about the case.
Denmark has very few close encounters of the third kind (CE3) cases compared to other Western European countries like France or Britain, and most of the Danish CE3 cases are from before the 1980s. The Ejstrupholm sighting is especially similar to two others, the 1960 Gyldenholm case and the 1967 Sjællands Odde case, in several aspects:
The first is that the entities reported look quite human, except they are no taller than 3 feet. The entities were also wearing similar uniforms to the beings in the Gyldenholm case. Both of these features are very typical of similar „landing‟ cases from around Europe during that period.
Some details in the report are worth highlighting, which indicate that the witness was being honest, at least about what he believed he saw. The first is that the SUFOI investigator X. P. Madsen, on the basis of several meetings with the witness, found him to be trustworthy, and that he had a reputation for being a reasonable and honest guy among his friends and family. The second is the witness experiencing what UFO investigators call the Oz Factor: a total absence of sound, as if one has entered another state of consciousness and encapsulated in a sort of invisible „bubble‟. Also, concerning the sudden flash of light and disappearance of the humanoids: One would imagine that someone purporting a hoax or made up story would just do the „logical‟ thing and describe the crew entering the craft through a hatch or a door, instead of including such surreal elements.
All that being said, one might legitimately wonder, since the Ejstrupholm sighting was not reported until much later, whether or not the witness’s memory could have been colored by other reports that had come into print in the meantime.
- UFO-Nyt #6 (1975)
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